Ella Vie
Ella is an eternal student of life and in love with the great mystery. She is fascinated by the art of letting go, allowing, embracing, and surrendering to the magic of the moment. She feels passionate about our humanity and the medicine of music. She sings, dances, speaks, writes, and creates in service to love and truth.
She is here to make you feel. She is here to make you surf your soul.
During the retreat Ella will share how to use our vulnerability and human experience as a source of inspiration for all our creations through Embodiment practices, Emotional Alchemy and Vocal Freedom exercises.
Embodiment - The Dance of Polarity
To become a vessel for the mystery of love and truth within, we need to come home to our bodies. When we are fully embodied in the here and now, we can tune into the music of the moment. Through embodiment practices, we will explore the dance of the masculine and feminine energies within. Cultivating presence and non-judgment and becoming spacious while also opening ourselves to the movement of Shakti within.
Emotional Alchemy - Moving from the Love for Power to the Power of Love
Emotions are energy in motion. As we open ourselves to the pure magic of presence within, we begin to hold space for the energy that moves our inner and outer worlds. By cultivating non-judgmental awareness and radical love and compassion, we create a safe space where our emotions become the catalyst for our liberation and a source of inspiration for all our creations. In this way, we can turn the totality of our human experience into lyrics and music.
Vocal Freedom - Tapping into the Unknown
"We are here to express, not to impress!"
We will come together to explore & reconnect to the voice within. We are going to tap into the music of our hearts to free our voices, to create sounds & rhythms, and even songs, so we can weave our voices together and tap into the magic of improvisation. Vocal freedom exercises and interactive jams support us to reconnect to the playful side and the magic of the Moment.
Seminare, Retreats und Workshops mit Ella Vie:
Folgende Termine mit Ella Vie:
Keine folgenden Termine vorhanden.
Vergangene Termine mit Ella Vie: